asosiasi aeronatik nasional bahasa Inggris
- asosiasi: association; league; gild; club; affiliation;
- nasional: national; internal; home; interior
- asosiasi akuntansi nasional: national association of accountants
- asosiasi senapan nasional india: national rifle association of india
- asosiasi atletik kolese kristen nasional: national christian college athletic association
- asosiasi komite olimpiade nasional afrika: association of national olympic committees of africa
- asosiasi sepak bola nasional brunei darussalam: national football association of brunei darussalam
- kotak info asosiasi sepak bola nasional: infobox football association
- asosiasi: association; league; gild; club; affiliation; guild; society; connection; tie; fraternity; institution; union; connexion; fellowship; corporation; tie-up
- asosiasi bebas: free association
- asosiasi dagang: trade association
- asosiasi kemerdekaan: independence club
- asosiasi koperasi: cooperation association
- asosiasi luar: external association
- The same year, the US's National Aeronautic Association awarded the B-2 design team the Collier Trophy for the greatest achievement in aerospace in America.
Pada tahun yang sama, Asosiasi Aeronatik Nasional Amerika Serikat menganugerahkan tim perancangan B-2 dengan Trofi Collier untuk pencapaian terbesar dalam kedirgantaraan di Amerika. - In 1930, Earhart became an official of the National Aeronautic Association where she actively promoted the establishment of separate women's records and was instrumental in the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) accepting a similar international standard.
Pada tahun 1930, Earhart menjadi anggota Asosiasi Aeronatik Nasional dan ia dengan aktif mempromosikan didirikannya rekor wanita yang terpisah dan berperan agar Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) menerima standar internasional yang serupa.